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SpaceyDevs Tutorial; Setup Minecraft Permissions
SpaceyDevs • Feb 23rd, 2024 • 2 minute read

Minecraft Permissions with LuckPerms:

Minecraft server administrators often seek powerful tools to manage player permissions effectively. LuckPerms is a popular permissions plugin that offers a robust solution. In this guide, we'll delve into understanding how LuckPerms permissions work, setting up rank prefixes, and adding permissions for different player groups.

Understanding LuckPerms:

LuckPerms is a versatile permissions plugin for Bukkit/Spigot servers, allowing administrators to finely control access and actions for players and groups. It provides a flexible and easy-to-use system that makes managing permissions a breeze.


Before diving into LuckPerms, ensure you have it installed on your server. You can download LuckPerms from SpigotMC or other trusted plugin repositories and place the JAR file into your server's "plugins" folder. Restart the server to activate LuckPerms.

Setting Up Rank Prefixes:

  • Define Ranks:

Open your server console or execute commands in-game.

Use /lp creategroup <group> to create different ranks (e.g., vip, mod, admin).

  • Assign Permissions:

Use /lp group <group> permission set <permission> to grant specific permissions to each group.

For example, /lp group admin permission set essentials.god true grants the "god" permission to the "admin" group.

  • Add Rank Prefixes:

Use /lp group <group> meta addprefix <priority> <prefix> to set a prefix for each group.

Example: /lp group admin meta addprefix 100 "&c[Admin]" adds a red [Admin] prefix to players in the admin group.

  • Apply Changes:

Use /lp apply to apply changes instantly.

Adding Permissions for Each Group:

  • Grant Basic Permissions:

Use /lp group <group> permission set <permission> to assign common permissions.

Example: /lp group vip permission set essentials.kit true grants the "kit" permission to the "vip" group.

Inherit Permissions:

Use /lp group <group> parent add <parent> to inherit permissions from another group.

Example: /lp group mod parent add vip makes the "mod" group inherit permissions from the "vip" group.

Track Permissions:

Use /lp group <group> permission info to view inherited and assigned permissions for a group.


LuckPerms simplifies the process of managing permissions in Minecraft, offering flexibility and control. By setting up rank prefixes and adding permissions for each group, server administrators can create a structured and enjoyable gaming experience for players. Experiment with the commands mentioned above, and tailor your server's permissions to suit your community's needs. Happy gaming!

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